A big beautiful sunflower from my parents is still standing strong on my desk, it's like a small sun right in my room :)
This year to make easyer for everyone, i made a list of desired items. It's always nice to get the things you really need and you will actually use ( i gues practicality comes with age too :) ). So no wonder my list was as crafts orientated as posible :) I just couldn't wait to try everything out! My honey even MADE me a bead weaving loom!
Since it's very warm in here now, working with polymer clay is not very fun, so the bead maker has to wait. But there was no stoping my from taking out all of my beads and trying out the weaving loom. Oh dear, I feel some serious adiction coming! Second day - second bracelet. I literaly can't stop! You just don't feel the time passing, hours are just flying by. For now I'm planing on sticking on self made geometric patterns. But who knows there it will take me :)
Best wishes for all!
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